We were also able to send her a package for her birthday! Through a group in China we could order a gift that included a small cake, a cake for her foster family, some toys and a disposbale camera. The hope is the foster family will take some pictures and then save the camera for us and return it to us when we meet Lainey. We can get the pictures developed then and we will have a great keepsake for Lainey to show where she came from when she gets older and begins to ask those questions.
Some may be wondering about the foster family I mentioned above. What we have learned is that Laine is being cared for by a foster family, and the foster families there are not quite what we would expect here. The foster family lives in an apartment on the grounds of the orphanage. So she has more personal contact with a family, but we don't know how many kids that family is caring for, if Laine is the only one or not.
Please let us know if you have any questions and we'll answer them as best as we can. And leave comments and sign up so we know how many are following us!